JoyaSabi and my business journey.

It is quite humbling to find an old book of mine with a copy of a blog I had written many years ago. I have kept alot of my earlier exploration as I knew they were important but for some reason was not quite ready to let them come to light. You see, I have been on this journey of bringing deeper meaning to jewellery for many many years however my confidence and self belief held me back from "letting loose". Perhaps I needed more time to get the idea brewing strong enough to be potent, perhaps it is divine timing, perhaps I am just making excuses, who knows but what I do know is that I AM READY!!! NOW!!!
The thing that has really evolved for me over the years since writing this original blog post is my designing as well as my clarity and sensitivity around the power of gemstones.
So in homage to my past journey that was pointing me so clearly in the right direction I am going to re -write this original blog here today, word for word.
In the original post I had a business name "JOYASABI". I didn't take on this name at the time but I am ready to use this name now. The time has come and as we all know, everything does happen in divine timing.
"Welcome to the very first Joyasabi blog.
So....where to begin! Firstly I will tell you about the business name as it is special to me and I am sure you will love it too.
Joyas - means jewellery in Spanish (the home of life, vitality, sunshine and my honeymoon).
Sabi - means the beauty and serenity that comes with age. Sabi is taken from the Japanese philosophy wabi sabi (which in its entirety means the beauty of imperfection). How special and pertinent is that ideal when in our society everyone is seeking perfection. Lets embrace our imperfection and that around us and learn to accept and see the beauty in the imperfect. All great things take time and the gemstones and metals created by Mother Earth are old and have taken a very long time to develop. So Sabi is an important part of the name.
So you have most likely worked out what the business is about. Joyasabi is about jewellery, but jewellery with meaning. Joyasabi will focus on the beauty of age old gemstones with colour being predominant in all of my ranges. The jewellery will be elegant, fashionable and fine hand made jewellery in gold and will be rich in symbols and meaning. The wearer will be encouraged to commit themselves to a 3 or 4 word personal mantra or aspiration that they will repeat at times when wearing the piece to gain the full power of the jewellery and gemstones......THE POWER OF THE MIND.
My name is Tonya Gilbett and I am a high end jeweller creating handmade pieces rich in symbolism and meaning......... intentional jewellery.
Follow my journey as my business Joyasabi blooms.
Seek Peace, Tonya "